Monday, March 22, 2010

weekend in Maine

Ok, for now just ignore the duck feathers in my mouth, I'll get to that part later....

Hi everyone! It's me, Kiri, fresh back from a weekend trip to the fun state of Maine! Mom took my sheep-moving sisters up to work some friends' livestock, and I got to go along. She said I'm their mascot. Whatever. All I know is that I had a really good time, so if that's what being a mascot means, I can live with that.

Here's the friends we went to see, Cindy and Laura. They've got sheep-moving dogs too (what is it with everyone having sheep-moving dogs??), and none of them wanted to play with me. But Cindy and Laura did, so it was all good!

We got to play on this really cool beach. All the sheep-moving dogs went for a great big long walk, but I didn't get to go, I took a nap in the car instead. Something about too much distance and Mom's back not being able to carry a sack of potatoes for miles....anyway, they all said that next time we visit up there (Hooray! There's going to be a next time!) I can go on the walk, too. And I got to play twice there, before and after the walk, so I'm not complaining. Besides, why walk when there's seaweed to eat and salty water to wade in??

Other than playing in the salty water, I learned some important Labradorian Life Skills while I was in Maine. Like picking up a dead duck. It's harder than it sounds, actually, and I'll show you all about how I learned to do it next time. I've got video and everything! (I'm turing into quite the high-tech pup!)

Another important skill: flushing a pheasant. Ok, ok, so this isn't a pheasant, it's a rooster. But hey, same difference, right? A pheasant is pretty much the same size and color, and makes just as annoying sounds, and I'm pretty sure both would taste pretty good if I actually caught them.

So anyway, Mom thought maybe you guys would want to see why we were up there in the first place. (Although she says all this stock work was mostly just an excuse she gave Dad to get away with us for the weekend to visit her friends....shhhh, don't tell Dad that, he might not let us go again!) This is one of my sheep-moving sisters, Cheer, doing her thing with the sheep.

And here's another of the sisters, Grace, although Mom seems to spend most of her time getting Grace not to move the sheep. I'm telling you, this whole sheep thing really doesn't make much sense.

But, look at this! Now we're talking! That's my oldest sister, Joy, moving COWS! Whoa! I might not get the whole sheep thing, but even I've gotta admit, this looks pretty cool.

I think I could do it. Especially if I make a face like this:

Don't you think? I'd move if I were a cow....

Oh, well, maybe I oughta just stick to ducks....

See ya!

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