But I'm not here to talk about me right now (don't worry, at some point I'm BOUND to talk about ME, the most wonderful dog on the planet!!). Instead, I'm here to introduce you to my new friend:
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
foster dog
But I'm not here to talk about me right now (don't worry, at some point I'm BOUND to talk about ME, the most wonderful dog on the planet!!). Instead, I'm here to introduce you to my new friend:
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Anyway, I figured I'd try to make things better by posting some pictures from our walk this afternoon at our favorite dog-and-thing walking spot. (We missed you, Auntie Christine! Maybe next time!) Things are getting dicey out there, with hunting season underway (oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy....) so the area's not available for us family dogs much this time of year. So this might be our last chance to use it for awhile. But there was nobody there today to speak of, so we basically had the place to ourselves.
Here's Thing 1 (in the front), Thing 2 (near me), and me arriving in all our glory:

please ignore!
Please return to your normal daily programing, all is cool here. (Literally -- it's sorta nippy out there in the mornings, isn't it?!)
Monday, September 27, 2010
fun photos

This was a couple weeks ago with my good friend Solena the Golden Retriever and Solena's Thing (which is a girl Thing, as opposed to my Things, which are boys -- they were with us too, I just didn't include any photos of them, 'cuz they get way too much exposure on Mom's blog anyway). Solena's Mom was there too, my Mom really likes her, they talk and talk and talk and talk....sheesh! But at least that gives us dogs and the Things plenty of time to have fun!

Thursday, August 26, 2010
big white dog

Oh excuse me! Hi, Kiri the Blogging Lab here! One of Mom's students brought me some cool new toys (thanks Barbara!) so I've been living it up out in my yard....
But anyway! On to the news!!! Are you ready for this?????.....

Yup, you guess it, Mom brought home a new sister for me. Only this one isn't a sheep-moving sister, she's a sheep-guarding sister. She's big. And white. And she's supposed to live with the sheep and the chickens and keep the foxes and coyotes and fishers away from them all. Which works for me just fine, so long as Mom doesn't take her duck hunting. I don't think there's much worry about that. I mean, LOOK AT HER! She's a moose! There's no way she's fitting in a duck blind!

And in the spirit of sharing, I'm letting Mom use my blog space to set up a blog for Miss-Whitey-Pants (whose name is actually "April" by the way). So go check out her blog, the Big White Dog Blog (yeah, way to go, real clever Mom....) and read all about how she and Mom found each other, and no doubt all sorts of other sheep-guarding stuff.
Me -- I'm back to the blue koala bear....mmmph, crumph, schlorph....
Monday, August 9, 2010
long time, no woof!

I know you're all dying to know what I've been up to lately, but it's not as exciting as you might think. Really, I've just been busy growing up. I've been at the age where Mom uses a lot of management (see my blog post on that topic!) and not a lot of training, to keep me behaving myself and not developing bad habits while my body is developing a lot of size and other useful stuff, like coordination.

Mom's not a real big fan of the Flexi-lead usually -- she says that it does a pretty good job of teaching dogs to pull if they don't already know about walking on a nice loose leash, since it gives constant leash-feedback on our necks. She would never, ever use one when she is first teaching a dog to walk nicely on a leash. But since I'm such a good leash-walking dog from her work with me while I was little, she decided that I was experienced enough to understand the difference between when I'm on a regular leash and when I'm on the Flexi.

One other management thing Mom does for me while we're walking is to give me my "walking stick". That's what she calls that really cool chunk of branch I've got in my mouth. Without the "walking stick," here's what happens:

Mom has just started taking me to a dog class again, so training is underway again (hooray!!!), which means I should have plenty of stuff to write about soon. Hopefully I'll be around a little more from now on. So come back and look for me soon!
See ya!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
box work

Hey, everyone! Kiri here, waiting for Mom to do some box work with me.
What's box work, you ask? Well, I'll show you!
You know how some folks encourage you to think outside the box?
Well, my Mom encourages me to think on top of the box! Watch this little video clip to see what I mean:
You see, Mom started clicking and rewarding me for putting my two feet up on the box and staying there. Once I got good at that, she went on to the next step, which was clicking and feeding me for moving my hind end while I keep my front feet on the box:
Then she started moving to my side to feed me there after clicking me for moving my butt. She calls this "placement of reinforcement". Phbbbt....I call it having a snack! (I call a LOT of things having a snack....):
That's when I started figuring out that I could just move along with her and get my treats faster that way:
Now, I know you're wondering where this is all going. I'm gonna let my Granny Annie and my brother Apolo show you. Watch how Apolo moves along with Granny Annie and tries to stay right next to her side just because he's watching her and knows where he needs to be:
Here's my friend Tessie showing that she can move with Auntie Christine in both directions on the box. (whoa, advanced stuff!):
Ok, so here's the point of all this. Once we figure out that we need to be in that spot next to our Moms, we can get in the right position to do what Mom calls "heeling". The sheep-moving sisters have told me about "heeling" -- it means moving in unison with your Mom or Dad while staying exactly in position on their left side. Here's Tessie and Auntie Christine doing this "heeling" stuff, while Mom bugs them with directions:
See how Tessie knows to get into that position even when Auntie Christine is doing weird things? That's what Mom's teaching me with the box work!

See ya!